Introducing Word For Woman – A Newsletter On Sexuality, Shadow Work And Conscious Relating
I’m exploring the alchemy of feminine self-realization. Come join me!
Hi, this is me: Ida — captured a lovely summer day by my photographer friend Ida Kristiansen Balle
It's not easy being true to ourselves in the meetings with our world. And as women, I think being ourselves is often harder – due to the plethora of ideas of how we should look and behave that is being bombarded on us from a very young age.
My personal journey to find a way to live in integrity with myself has not been easy (I’ll tell you about it below), but these days, I'm rebuilding my life in a way that actually works for me. And parallel to this rebuilding, I've begun finding myself in cafés and on living room floors; chatting with women who are in the same situation as I was in five years ago: Feeling like they are not living the lives they came here to explore.
And we talk about: what does it take for us as women to really be OURSELVES – and create lives that are expressions of our highest choices?
With inspiration from these conversations, and the experiences from my reconstruction journey as a backdrop, I started exploring the alchemy of feminine self-realization, and the keys to reclaim our personal power as women. This exploration was my inclination for creating the newsletter: Word for Woman –letters on sexuality, shadow work and conscious relating.
Loving woman = sustainable world
Coffee Times (over at Medium) is organizing another challenge this month: Coffee Challenge 6! The challenge is all about giving words to WHY our readers should read our newsletter – and this essay is my answer to that challenge!
Through Word for Woman I'm sharing self-help keys for feminine empowerment. I think the newsletter will be interesting to you if you are a woman and
Curious to explore your sexuality and the powers of it – and shake off your sexual conditioning
Open to dive the depths of your shadow self
Eager to relate to others and yourself in as much integrity as possible
Looking for adjustments points to build a life that express your highest choices!
Now, just to state the essence of this: I love seeing my sisters reclaiming their sense of empowerment, and stepping into their deep-felt, loving and sensual selves!
But my vision… goes far beyond supporting our feminine happiness:
I believe that supporting women of our societies to feel happy and empowered and at ease with their sexuality and their feeling self: Is the very key to our sustainable future.
Want to join me in my newsletter journey exploring that vision?
My background: From victim mode to empowerment
Let me share a bit of my background for writing these letters:
In 2017 I left home to turn my life around. I felt stuck in work that I didn’t enjoy, without clue of how to make my love relations work, and with few ideas on how to build nurturing friendships and network around me. I felt lonely and depressed, and could see no ways to turn my life into a more aligned direction.
And so… I left. I spent three years abroad, living on savings from selling my home, while questioning almost everything: the ways I had approached work, my love relationships and my friendships. I was revising my relationship almost everything – included myself!
In 2020 I returned to Norway and began rebuilding my life in a new way. Now, two years later, I make my living from my long-time dream as a performing artist, and have a growing base of beautiful people in my life. I've picked up my childhood passion of writing, and I'm slowly building my heart-baby and spiritual organization Tunsberg Tantra.
For the first time in my life, I have a sense of moving in a direction that’s in alignment for me, and I'm succeeding in manifesting my creative visions. It's hard to put in words how amazing that feels.
And I know that without the lessons I learnt through my reconstruction journey, the empowerment I feel in my life right now, wouldn’t have been possible. And I do think these lessons can be of value to women around me too.
Exploring sexuality, shadow work and conscious relating - topics we need to address to claim responsibility of our lives
The main shift in my (very challenging, just to say that) reconstruction journey, happened when I realized that it’s ENTIRELY UP TO ME to live as the divine and loving being I always felt deep down I was. My teachers could inspire me, but they couldn’t do my work for me. Also, blaming other people for their lack of support to help me grow into my most beautiful self, certainly didn’t help me at all.
Basically, I realized one day that I would have to take FULL responsibility of my own life. Like…of everything: My past, my present and my future. And to do that, I needed to know what I was up against, both within me and around me.
This is how I began to explore the alchemy of feminine self-realization, and which topics we as women typically need to address in order to walk back towards ourselves.
One of these keys, I believe, is shadow work. Shadow work is a great empowerment tool, and also the portal to healthy and supportive relating – and one of Word for Woman’s key topics.
In addition to shadow work, I'm really passionate about sexual de-conditioning. Personally; I had to work my way through several layers of sexual shame and insecurity, perverted beauty ideals and self-objectification in order to allow myself to just be… ME. And since I think this goes for many of my sisters too, exploring our healthy sexuality is an essential part of Word for Woman.
Ultimately, my aim is that we’ll all remember ourselves as the luscious, loving and supportive beings we truly are. And: dare to embody that part of ourselves in our lives!
Want to join me in my newsletter journey exploring that vision? Come subscribe to Word for Woman!