Spirituality, Tantra Id Ah Spirituality, Tantra Id Ah

Why I'm On a Tantric Path - Exploring the Crux of Tantra

After spending a week at a tantra festival with a focus on the sexual and relational parts of tantra, Im exploring what the core of tantra is - to me. Im approaching tantra as a path of dedicated work with our life force energy. And a path of embracing all aspects of our human existence: Also our darkness, our challenging feelings and our most primal urges.

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Spirituality, Tantra Id Ah Spirituality, Tantra Id Ah

My Week Alone at a Tantra Festival

In the end of July, I spent a week alone at a tantra camp. I went there curious to get to know the Scandinavian tantric field, and to explore their approach to this word: Tantra.

Whereas I perceive tantra as a spiritual path embracing the depths of my human existence, some associate tantra mostly with relating and sex. In this essay I share my journey through the festival week, while pondering my needs for safety, exploring my heart - and trying to figure out what tantra really is.

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Spirituality, Tantra Id Ah Spirituality, Tantra Id Ah

The Four Steps of Individuation - Self-Realization Demands Much More Than Meditation!

In my experience, it’s really smart to combine several approaches on our quest of self-realization. Cause just as we are complex human creatures, so is our self-realization a complex affair. Based on my own individuation process, I've recognized four aspects I believe all of us have to move through in order to shed our persona, and return to the profundity of just… being US.

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