Ida Eira

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The Divine Sacrifice - A Poem

Existing in a 3D world - a poem

There is a sacrifice
of entering
the portal
of a physical world
and that sacrifice
is forgetfulness

As we surrender
our limitless
divine existence
to fit within a human body
we leave
the remembrance
of our divinity

The consciousness that
choose embodiment
and sacrifice remembrance
probably does so
(at least that’s how I see it)
to learn to know herself

Cause what is limitless
can never come to know itself

As long as we are formless
we simply
Devoid of time and space
we can never
have awareness
of ourselves

Only limited
by physicality
manifested in and as
a form
can we explore
the being that we are
and possibly
to new dimensions of intelligence
and light

Existence is our opportunity
to grow

So we leap
And we sacrifice our endlessness to play
in physicality

The semen swims
and pierces
through the walls of mother’s egg
and our nothingness transforms
into its physical form

And although but a seed
we may still remember
who we are

But our remembrance
is wordless

As we grow arms and legs
and brain and heart
and evolve within the stillness
of our mother’s womb
we may still remember
But our remembrance
is wordless

As we birth ourselves into reality
and scream and breath and feed
we may still remember
But we have
no words
Just our tender little being
that reminds all who lay a gaze on us
about Divinity

We grow
and gradually our mind takes shape
We learn the words
Of physical existence
The unspoken material
of our inner world
can finally
be expressed
in form

But do we talk?
Do we still remember?

Something strange has happened

Because as our mind came into place
our divine nature doesn’t seem to
fit us any more
We have become something else
We have become

How long
will we be Human
before we remember
the vast reality
of the Divinity
that lives
through us?